Cute Baby Patterns Twin Boy and Girl 11 Years of Age

22 Wonderful and Wacky Facts About Twins

Did you know that some twins speak their own language, start playing together in the womb, and can exist born years autonomously? In the words of Charlie Sheen (well, sort of)…Twinning!

twin facts

What is it about twins that's then darn fascinating? Nosotros idolize them when they're famous (ahem, Mary Kate and Ashley), we envy them when we're young (I know I'one thousand not the simply one who dreamed of having an identical partner-in-crime as a kid!) — some women even stick to conception-friendly diets said to increase their chances of having ambrosial little duos.

But no matter why we dear 'em, at that place'south one thing for certain: With a recent study from the U.S Centers for Affliction Command and Prevention (CDC) disclosing that more twins are existence built-in in the United States now than ever before (birth rates accept soared more than than seventy percent in the past 30 years), there's going to be a lot more pairs to become around!

And with such a surge, there'south no better time to learn more than almost them. For example, did you know that there's a "twins gene" — or that two twins tin can have totally different dads? Castor up on your twosome health trivia hither.

Twins Are Multiplying

twins are multiplying

Nope, you don't need an heart exam — y'all actually are seeing double. Co-ordinate to a recent CDC report, the nascence rate for twins has increased a whopping 76 percent since 1980.

In fact, i in every thirty babies built-in in 2009 was a twin (compared to 1980, when the rate was i baby in every 53). What'southward with the binary-baby boom? One cistron contributing to the upsurge: The age of mothers has trended upwards over the years, and a woman in her thirties is more than likely to take twins than someone in her twenties, according to the study's lead author, epidemiologist Joyce Martin, MPH. Even so, while age is an independent take chances factor for twins, information technology also tends to correlate with increased utilize of fertility treatments, which was likely the biggest correspondent to the spike in twin births.

Unfortunately, there are risks involved in multiple births — more than half of twins are built-in at a low nativity weight, which tin can increase the hazard of long-term health problems, such as asthma. And mom's also at take a chance: Having twins ups her odds for gestational hypertension and diabetes, as well as for having a C-section.

Yes, There'south A Twin Factor

twin gene

Know any families with multiple sets of multiples? In that location may be a scientific caption behind all that multiplying — hyper-ovulation.

If a woman inherits a certain cistron that causes her to hyper-ovulate (pregnant she'southward more than probable to release multiple eggs during ovulation), her chance of having congenial twins — which are produced from two separate eggs — increases. And since that gene is, well, genetic, parents may also laissez passer information technology on to their kids, making information technology possible for twins to run in the family (and perhaps even for twins to have their own little sets of twins). However, there's no known gene linked to identical twins — which results when one egg splits in half — so this twin type isn't hereditary.

And what about that long-held idea that twins tend to skip a generation? According to an explanation in The New York Times, the theory may have gotten its roots since merely women are affected by the hyper-ovulation gene (since men don't ovulate) — merely men can in fact pass it on to their daughters (hence, seemingly "skipping" a generation).

Twins Can Exist Built-in Years Apart

twins years apart

Reuben Blake (pictured left) is 5 years old. His twin sister Floren? She'south virtually ii months old. Huh?

Reuben and Floren's parents Simon and Jody Blake were having trouble getting pregnant, then they tried in vitro fertilization (a process in which a woman'due south eggs are fertilized exterior of her trunk and then implanted in her uterus). Two embryos were implanted in Mrs. Blake (only one of which was successful — Reuben!), and the couple decided to have the other three embryos frozen.

A few years later, they implanted another embryo and nine months later, Reuben's twin sister was born. "It does depend how y'all translate the term 'twins' — twins generally means that they are born at the same time," Valentine Akande, Dr., atomic number 82 clinician and director of fertility services at the Bristol Middle for Reproductive Medicine, told The Telegraph . "Merely, yes, twins in that they take come up from the same batch of embryos, nerveless from the same treatment cycle — so twins born at a unlike fourth dimension."

In addition, it's not uncommon for twins to enter the earth during different years. Take, for example, Buffalo, North.Y.'south Ronan Rosputni (who was born at eleven:37 p.m .on Dec. 31, 2011) and his blood brother Rory (who was built-in at 12:10 a.m. on Jan. 1), co-ordinate to Huffington Post.

Twins Tin can Have Different Dads and Be Unlike Races

twins with different dads and different races

Okay… twins can be of different ages — but they've got to take the same set of parents, right?

Information technology'due south rare, but information technology is possible for a woman to release two eggs during ovulation and then get impregnated by two different men at the aforementioned time — also known as heteropaternal superfecundation. In fact, about i to ii percent of all fraternal twins have different dads, Hilda Hutcherson, Medico, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University, recently told Today.

Heteropaternal superfecundation can also exist the result of a botched fertilization procedure. In one particularly shocking instance, Dutch couple Wilma and Willem Stuart were surprised when they welcomed twin babe boys to the world — one was white and one was blackness. A twelvemonth and a half later, the couple discovered that some other homo's sperm had accidently been mixed with Mr. Stuart'south during the in vitro procedure.

Some Twosomes Speak & Twin Talk

twin talk

If you've e'er seen 2 young siblings readily conversing in consummate gibberish, you likely witnessed idioglossia — an autonomous language often created and shared between twins (think that YouTube video of two communicative, 18-month old twins that went viral in 2011?).

According to research published in the periodical Institute of General Linguistics, about 40 percent of twins invent their own languages. The researchers believe that super-close siblings (they don't really accept to be twins, but usually are) sometimes use each other as models for learning vocabulary, applying pregnant to sounds — fifty-fifty if those sounds are consummate nonsense. Usually their special lingo disappears as their vocabulary expands and by the fourth dimension they start schoolhouse, just not always.

In the book Twin Connections: Stories That Celebrate the Mysterious Bail Backside Twins , authors Denise and Heather Allan (who are identical twins!) write: "We speak to each other in a language no 1 else can empathize, nor tin we enlighten them. Nosotros didn't realize this until we were 6 or 7 years old when someone pointed it out."

Twins Beginning Bonding in Mom's Belly

twins bonding in moms belly

No wonder twins share such an unbreakable bond — they get a head starting time on the balance of united states.

Researchers from University of Padova in Italian republic recently studied 3D ultrasound videos of five sets of twins in the womb. When the fetuses were merely fourteen weeks onetime, the researchers noticed that the pairs seemed to be reaching out for each other, touching head to head and arm to head. At xviii weeks, they were stroking each other more than oftentimes and were in concrete contact about 30 percent of the time. Fifty-fifty more than phenomenal, the fetuses seemed to be extra gentle when touching effectually their siblings' eyes (likely considering this area is and so delicate, the researchers posit).

Previous enquiry has noted that twins announced to interact socially with each other just hours later on nativity — and the University of Padova researchers believe they may just exist wired to do so.

There'south a Twin-Inducing Diet

twin inducing diet

Desire to take twins? Stock upward on cheese and start chugging milk.

According to a study published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine by Gary Steinman, Doctor, PhD, an ob-gyn at Long Isle Jewish (LIJ) Medical Center in New Hyde Park, N.Y., women who swallow dairy products may increment their chances of conceiving twins. When Dr. Steinman looked at the twin nascence rates of vegans (who don't eat any fauna products, including dairy) compared to not-vegans, he discovered that the latter group was five times more likely to have 2 little bundles of joy.

In the British journal The Lancet , Steinman explains that the level of a certain protein (IGF, or insulin-like growth cistron) is thirteen times higher in women who eat dairy than in vegans. This protein increases the ovaries' sensitivity to follicle stimulating hormone, which triggers ovulation .

Research shows that conceiving twins is as well more common amidst older women, women who are obese, and women who are breastfeeding (in fact, a study shows that moms who are breastfeeding when they get pregnant are a whopping ix times more than probable to have twins than those who aren't).

One Brazilian Town Is Booming With Multiples

brazillian town twins

The pocket-sized South American town of Cândido Godói may just be the twin uppercase of the earth. From 1959 to 2008, a whopping 8 percent of births in São Pedro (ane of the town's villages), resulted in twins — compared to less than one percentage throughout the rest of the country.

What'southward the reason behind so many doubles? For years, citizens believed there must have been something in the water, co-ordinate to an commodity in The New York Times . Merely recent enquiry by a squad of Brazilian geneticists put that rumor to balance. After conducting a series of DNA tests, the researchers constitute that a hyper-ovulation gene that makes women more susceptible to conceiving twins runs rampant in the town, likely due to loftier levels of inbreeding.

But Cândido Godói isn't the simply place to get noticed for its loftier twin population: In 2010, Bakery Loftier School in Baldwinsville, N.Y., made headlines when 12 sets of twins graduated at the same time, breaking a Guinness World Tape.

When Twins Are Separated at Birth, Scientists Pay Attention

twins separated at birth

Thanks to the whole "nature vs. nurture" debate, twins who get separated at birth receive a whole lot of attention from researchers (would they have the same values? Health habits? Psychological patterns?). Merely because yous tin can't just divide up twins in the name of science, very few studies have been able to rails twins who live completely separate lives.

However, there is the example of Meredith Grace Rittenhouse and Meredith Ellen Harrington — fraternal twin sisters born in People's republic of china merely adopted past two different American families. When the girls were adopted in 2003, neither of their families knew their daughter had a twin, according to an article by Newsweek. When Meredith Ellen was 2 she told her parents, "I'm so solitary. I wish I had a sister." At 3 years onetime, Meredith Grace was asked to complete the judgement "When I grow upward I want to be a …" Her response? "Sis." A few years after, Meredith Grace'southward father was online, looking at other parents who had adopted from the same agency. There he saw a film of a immature girl who uncannily looked like his daughter. The first fourth dimension they met, Meredith Ellen told Meredith Grace, "I think we were built-in together."

Now the ii Merediths take given researchers a run a risk to written report what they so often can't. Nancy Segal, PhD, director of the Cal State Fullerton Twin Studies Middle, has started tracking the intellectual development and personalities of the girls — equally well every bit nine other sets of Chinese twins separated at nascency and 30 pairs who were raised together.

Identical Twins Aren't Exactly Identical

identical twins

They come up from the aforementioned egg and expect then similar it can be impossible to tell them autonomously — but anyone who knows a set of identical twins knows that not they're actually carbon copies of each other. And researchers are continuing to observe why identical twins aren't quite as indistinguishable as once thought.

A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that environmental factors such as dietary habits and chemical exposures — as well known equally epigenetic effects — cause identical twins to abound dissimilar over time, co-ordinate to a Alive Science article. For example, identical duos may showtime to look less alike over the years, they tin can take totally different personalities, and one may air current up with a disease like cancer while the other doesn't (another study from Knuckles University constitute that when one identical twin in his late seventies has Alzheimer's, the other but has it nigh forty percent of the time).

For the written report, the researchers looked at twoscore identical duos in Espana ranging in historic period from 3 to 74, surveying them on a number of unlike lifestyle factors, such as do and eating habits. Out of the participants, the older sets of twins were the least alike.

Happy Birthday to the World'southward Oldest Twins!

world's oldest twins

204 — that'southward the combined historic period of Ena Pugh and Lily Millward, a pair of British twins who both celebrated their 102nd birthdays on January. 4. And the duo had a whole lot to rejoice: The milestone landed them in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the oldest twins on the planet.

"They took great delight at seeing their picture in the Guinness Volume of Records — they are both very proud of their title," Lily's daughter Dianne Powell told the United kingdom's Sun. The pair spent the mean solar day together as they practise virtually every yr, even though Lily was in the infirmary with a broken hip.

Broken hip or not, the two say they have lived healthy, happy lives (they nonetheless live in their own houses near Brecon, England). "We've been very lucky and we have always had expert health," Lily told the Wales News Service. Just what's their hush-hush to a long, centenarian life? "Laughter and a good joke," she said.

These Celebs Have Less-Famous Twins

celeb twins

Hunter Johansson. Michael Kutcher. Patricia Bundchen.

Ever heard of them? Probably not — but we're willing to bet you lot're familiar with their fraternal twin siblings, Scarlett, Ashton, and Gisele.

And these celebrities aren't the only ones with other halves: 24'due south Keifer Sutherland has a twin sister named Rachel; Jon Heder of Napoleon Dynamite has an identical double, Daniel; and Alanis Morissette shares a birthday with her brother Wade.

Who knew?

x More Fast Facts Nearly Twins!

facts about twins

1. Subsequently digging up the birth records of more than 59,000 women between 1800 and 1970, University of Utah researchers found that moms of twins tend to live longer than moms without twins.

ii. There are more than merely fraternal and identical twosomes; other rare twin types include "one-half identical twins" (when the egg splits and so each half is fertilized) and mirror paradigm twins (identical twins who develop asymmetrically).

3. Identical twins don't have identical fingerprints.

4. Moms who are expecting ii tend to have higher levels of forenoon sickness, likely because of increased levels of the hormone homo chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).

5. One pair of conjoined twins share a "neural bridge" — and they can literally read each others' minds, according to an article past The New York Times .

six. To help promote "twindividuality," children'southward book author Grace Lin penned Ling and Ting: Non Exactly the Same a story about identical twins with totally different personalities (and haircuts!)

7. A study recently published in the periodical Obstetrics & Gynecology reported that parents of twins are slightly more probable to get divorced than parents without twins.

8. Using an ultrasound isn't the only manner doctors can observe a twin pregnancy — some figure it out when they hear two tiny heartbeats through their stethoscope.

9. Moms-to-exist expecting i kid tend to gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. But if you're pregnant with twins? You can expect to gain a whopping 35 to 45 pounds.

10. Recollect twins are awesome? There's a Facebook group for that!


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